Studienplan Evaluierung 2023/24
Hier die Umfragen:
Module –
Liebe Kolleg:innen
wir dringend dein Feedback.
2021 bis Sommersemester 2023 gemacht hast. Wichtig ist: du musst die Lehrveranstaltungen nicht positiv abgeschlossen haben, um die Umfrage auszufüllen, wir freuen uns auch über Feedback über Lehrveranstaltungen, die du abgebrochen hast.
Module –
Dear colleagues
2 years have passed since the curriculum change – so it’s about time we took a closer look at what’s working well and what’s not with integrative design, the new design basics and the modules. We need your
support for this. Based on the surveys, we would like to find out more about the time spent, ECTS, costs, working methods, spaces, interaction between students and teachers, but also, for example, what you would
like to see as a focus in the future. In order to improve the curriculum, we urgently need your feedback.
You can fill out the surveys for the courses you have taken from the winter term 2021 to the summer term 2023. Important: you do not have to have completed the courses positively to participate in the survey, we are also happy to receive feedback on courses that you have dropped out of.
We will use your opinion to bring about improvements in the Studienkommission – the body that decides the curricula and in which we are also represented! Are you also interested in actively shaping your studies? Then come to a Fachschafts meeting (every monday at 5 p.m.) or send us an e-mail!